GWINNETT COUNTY, GA — After beating out schools nationwide for a chance to call the International Space Station via the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, students at Woodward Mill Elementary School in Gwinnett County received a call from the “Final Frontier” on Thursday afternoon.
They spoke to Astronaut Donald Pettit aboard the International Space Station and he took their questions.
“Have you ever done a spacewalk and if so, what was it like? Over.” Student Joshua asked. “I have done two spacewalks. Going outside your spacecraft is amazing, particularly the views through your helmet visor! Over.” Astronaut Pettit responded.
Student Gabriel asked if he feels different when he comes back from space. “Yes, you do feel different when you come back to Earth and it lasts for a day or two, and then you are back to normal. Over.” Pettit said.
Student Arian asked if they have any fun in space. To that, Pettit replied saying he likes to look out the window and take pictures when he is not on shift.
When one of the students asked about what surprises him most about being in space, the astronaut happily exclaimed, “Flying! Begin able to fly around like Peter Pan!”
The window to talk was only 10 minutes and the ISS had to be directly overhead; that’s 250 miles up and traveling at 17,500 miles per hour. Principal Sonya Brown hopes students will see there’s a universe of STEM careers for them.