I love a music documentary. I watched all three episodes of Nöthin’ But A Good Time: The Uncensored Story of ‘80S Hair Metal on Paramount+ the other day. Maybe i watch too much TV, but it was also research for work. Great break down of how the glam scene evolved out of the 70s metal scene, what New Wave did to it, the importance of L.A., formulas, successes, origins, fights, domination, the downfall and endurance. My favorite part was a story about Axl Rose & David Bowie. I always wished i was bit older, like the same age as my aunts or uncles so I could have enjoyed the party life of the 80s but then I hear some of the horror stories and see the aftermath and think, maybe I lucked about. Maybe being young enough to remember the bands but not old enough to understand them at the time was he safer path. It’s a great trip down memory lane of the MTV days and some cool insight on band that i think often get overlooked. Good watch.