Have you ever walked out of a concert?

I’ve never left a concert, maybe during the encore because I had to catch the train. But even trainwreck shows, i’ve powered through them. The Wilson sisters of Heart had quite a different experience.

Read the quote from Nancy Wilson:

“The singer, he’s so suggestive,” remembers Wilson. “He’s got his shirt wide open, he’s got his bare chest and his jeans were really low riders and he was moving in this way that was so super-suggestive and we were kind of shocked. We’re like, ‘Oh, my God.’” “Then, he sang about like ‘Squeeze My Lemon’ and we’re like, ‘Oh, we must leave, we must leave the premises’ because we were just shocked. So, we actually walked out on at the Green Lake Aqua Theater. We were scandalized, and we walked away."